Monday, January 2, 2012

two new projects... maybe more than that

Ok, I don't even have pictures to tell you what we're going to do, kinda lame of me, but I will post pictures soon. I'm just so excited about the projects I wanted to tell you. 

The first is that Kyle is taking an old table that was given to us and creating out of it a whole new table. The second. I finally got a chest! My Uncle Steve gave Kyle and I a chest, which means we could finally get rid of our old coffee table. It needs a little work, but it's a really cool piece. It's from the late 1800's. 

It's so fun to be able to continue making our apartment just how we like it without spending much. 

Ok, now the scary project. I'm going to start baking my moms bread. She used to make homemade bread all the time. Seriously, we didn't ever buy bread from the store. Well I finally have a good mixer (thank you mother in law) and so I'm going to start baking her bread. I'm also on the hunt for an affordable sewing machine... I REALLY want to sew, but kinda need a machine for it.

Working on projects with Kyle is one of my favorite things.

Also, my mom asked that I post pictures of our place so she can get an idea of what we're up to, so that's a little something that will be coming in the near future.  

new years are fun... so many new little adventures

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