Monday, April 29, 2013

Birthday Weekend

I was overwhelmed with the love this weekend! I had phone calls and facetimes from my family and friends. More cards than I knew what to do with  (perk of working in a school) and just a great time with everyone I saw!

We got to watch Davy play T-ball. Needless to say it was adorable!
He might love his uncle a little bit
I LOVE David's pose here! It was fun to Have Deb up. We got to hang out for the afternoon and see her new apartment which was wonderful! She is going to make an adorable home!

Let the BBQing begin! It seemed like these two were laughing the whole time. It was a huge blessing that Nate and Hillary made the long drive to celebrate with us!
I Love this family!

The Prohaskas also made a long drive with their little one to celebrate!
I can't imagine where I'd be without these two girls friendships. They have been faithful friends through all of life's milestones. Seeing them made my day!

Of course we had to have a bon fire!
My birthday twin and his beautiful wife! They are some of our dearest friends. And they are the best hosts EVER! I can't wait to go to Tennessee with them next month!

I love seeing Kyle with his friends.... They are more like brothers.

Visiting our old church and hearing John preach on Evangelism was a blessing

Any time I get to hang out with this family I am happy!
the boys :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gosnell Trial

(This post may not be one for my sweet little sister and young cousins to read)

Today I spoke with quite a few pro-life women that didn't know a thing about the Kermit Gosnell "House of Horrors" trial. I have read how much the media is trying to "hush it up", but today it struck me that a lot of people really don't know whats going on.

I know my blog isn't the most read out there, but I want to take the opportunity to let you know what is going on and plead for your prayers!

Kermit Gosnell was on trial for 6 first degree murders and 1 third degree murder. He runs an abortion clinic in Philadelphia.

Yesterday the judge announced that he would drop the charges of three of the murder charges. He made this announcement after seeing a picture of Baby Boy B (never given a name)

 "Baby Boy B was only alive for 28 weeks. He was one of 47 babies found frozen in water jugs in Kermit Gosnell's "House of Horrors." His neck had been cut open, and his spinal cord was "snipped" with a pair of scissors. I’m sorry to be so graphic. But this is the reality." (from Susan B. Anthony foundation)

This trial has clear implications of the state of our nation. A judge was able to see the picture of the snipped neck (I didn't attach it because it was too graphic) and say that that baby was not murdered.

As of this morning there have been over 56 million abortions in America after Roe v. Wade. There have been 1,500 in America today, and over 6 million by planned parenthood since Roe v. Wade.

Tomorrow President Obama will help with a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood.

Here is a portion of an article written by today about the fundraiser:

“Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortions in the United States of America. The President of the United States is volunteering to be their number one fundraiser,” he says. “What Kermit Gosnell in his house of horrors in Philadelphia is no different than what is done in every abortion in a Planned Parenthood facility. The only difference is that the evil is hidden from view.”

“Horribly, the same sonogram technology now used for baby’s first pictures, which we share with one another and show on television commercials, is often used to guide the instruments of execution or the injection of the chemical weapons in Planned Parenthood facilities. These are the very facilities which the President of the United States will raise money for on Thursday evening,” Fournier continued.

Pray for those who are involved in this case, and for all the women considering abortion!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I got this from the truth for life blog. If you have an iphone download their app. It is a wealth of resources!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

p.s. new tall diaries post

Gonna? Wanna?

My student story is coming from the 4th grade today...

Setting: Class, where Miss Prario has been desperately trying to get her students to understand the difference between slang words and real words.

Miss Prario: "Gonna" is not a word. If I see Gonna or Wanna in another Paper I will make you do the whole thing over. It is "Going to" or "Want to"!!!

(K, is frantically waving his hand)

Miss Prario: Yes, K?

K: Wanna is a word, like Marawanna, Or is it Mara-want-to? (clearly he can't spell either)

At a loss for where to even begin... (We don't talk about drugs at school! You don't know how to spell anything! Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh) Miss Prario stared in stunned silence.

Moral of the Story: Teach your kids to spell. And no Mara, we don't want to.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Contest Letter.... also my computer wont let me change the formatting of my blog... annoying! Sorry for everything being written down the middle

So my last blog post was highly un-emotional and not very thoughtful. Well, jump on the roller coaster because this is it's polar opposite. 

I saw on the girltalk blog a mothers day contest. It was an opportunity to write about your mother, and have the chance to win some art. 

I am not the most eloquent of writers, and my grammar can ALWAYS use some help, so I don't expect to win. However, I really wanted to share about my mom, so I entered. She is a lady who impacts all those she encounters, and has taught me so much!  I realized that if I don't win, no one will get to see what I wrote about her so I am going to share my submitted letter below. 

My mom isn't perfect, but she's godly, and I hope I can be like her some day. 

Dear Girltalk,

 I saw your contest for mothers day and instantly thought of my mother. I didn't think of her because she needs to win a contest, but because I see a perfect opportunity to share about her. Perhaps you will be the only person who reads this, but I hope that hearing about her is an encouragement to you as you pursue godly "womanhood".

 My mom entered our family when I was 14. My first mom passed away of breast cancer, and so for 7 years my 3 sisters and I were raised by our father.

 We were one crazy family living in Montana when a sweet southern belle, Lisa, entered our lives. I don't remember my parents dating relationship being too long, but I do remember her coming out to visit from the south a couple of times, and how quickly she started to show love to our family.

 I could probably write a book about our families story, but I will skip straight to the part about learning life lessons from her.

 Here is a woman that had never been married before, moving across the country, to be the wife and mother of a widower and 4 new daughters. She didn't even have any of her friends in her wedding. Instead she had her new daughters stand up with her as bridesmaids.

 She entered our family graciously. She saw flaws in us all, but was quick to pray and slow to speak. She shared her opinion, but was quick to submit to my Dad. She constantly sought older women to disciple her and encouraged our walks with the Lord.

 Many women could come into a situation like that and struggle with jealousy of the first wife. That is NOT my mom. She came into our home and sought to understand my first mom, to respect her, to continue her prayers for her daughters, and then she sought to love my first mom's extended family! She is others-minded. 

 She has been an example of a quiet and gentle spirit. She is always ready to love first and be loved second. She holds the Word close to her heart and seeks to live by it's Truth, through the strength of the Lord.

 When I got married almost 2 years ago I remember Lisa pulling me aside and telling me that she "wished Vanessa could be here to see her prayers answered, but we can't question the Sovereignty of the Lord, so I will do my best to stand in for her". The selflessness of that statement has stayed with me.

 I have a picture of my first mom on my refrigerator, beside it I have a picture of my youngest sister. She was born to my Dad and Lisa right after I turned 16. Abigail has been one of our families biggest joys and blessings. I look at the pictures of my first mom and sister and see God's Sovereignty played out in my life. I will see my mom again some day. Until then I get to enjoy my new mother, who without, I would not have my sweet sister.

 I hope that as you go through your day, you can think of Lisa and see the Lord's strength in her and remember to pray first, love first, seek wisdom, and pursue the Lord.


 A grateful daughter

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why So Serious? (Obviously say it in the jokers voice)

Sometimes I read my sisters blog and the girl talk blog and then I sit down to write and realize that I don't have some spiritually inspired words of wisdom that will change your life, which makes me feel like a bit of a failure and unworthy to write.

Then I think... I'll just post some pictures to give a update on our life (which I will do, but probably not today) Well, once I post my pictures that were taken and edited on my phone I see some of my friends pictures that were just "snapshots" from their day... and they look stinking professional... failed again.

Theeeen I think "why are you comparing yourself to people, this is your blog, THEY DON'T HAVE TO READ IT IF THEY DON'T WANT TO!!!" ( and now I'm yelling at you, sorry.)

So here I go with an un-inspired, non-professional post.

Lately I've felt so busy that I end my day and often think, "How did I get here? What happened the last 8 hours." It's kind of like when you drive a very familiar road and once you arrive you think, I don't remember any of my drive! Scary!

Despite the business things are going well. We are more and more settled into our new place, work is going well, church is wonderful..... but one thing that is really bothering me is that I don't feel like I make dinner anymore.

It seems as though Kyle and I are NEVER home for dinner. (Thanks to all of our friends who have apparently been feeding us the last month or so)

It may seem strange that not making dinner is what is bothering me, but it's true. It really has been this tiny trial in my life. 

So, I have researched some wonderful, healthy, easy meals and Kyle and I are going to eat together again! 

Thank you Pinterest! You have saved my... dinner. (I almost said marriage, but that seemed WAY too dramatic.) 

On a side note I am going to need to update my Tall Diaries very soon, so be on the lookout for that... Crazy things have been happening to me lately... just when you think you've experienced it all a man asks if he can buy you dinner, a stranger hugs you from behind, and you get thanked for "being a leader in our world today and making headway for our childrens futures! Kids don't have to be afraid of marrying someone short or tall anymore!" (WOW!)

Lastly, I LOVE working with kids. It is one of the best parts of my day. I am going to start a new diary that has all of these fabulous stories from the kids at school. 

Here is a preview:

"Miss Bekki do you think that I could speak with you in private please?" - T
"Yes T, what do you need?" - Me
"Well Miss Bekki I am being stalked by another student, and I just want to scream. I was wondering if you could talk to him with me." -T

"Sure, T, I will talk to R with you."

We talk about personal space and R informs T that he wasn't stalking him because that isn't something that kids do, it's something that "old men who only play video games and are really weird with greasy hair do." But R agrees to give T some space.

I walk the boys back to class thinking that the situation is resolved but T lingers in the hallway and asks if he can speak to me again.

"Miss Bekki?" -T
"Yes, T?" -Me
"Do you ever just get the urge to do something?"- T
"Yes, T, sometimes I do." -Me
"Well, I still REEEAAAALY want to scream, because I've been thinking about it, and I think I might think about it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day if you don't take me outside to scream." -T

So there I was, standing with T in the parking lot as he screamed (which quickly turned into yodeling.)

Happy Tuesday.