Friday, January 20, 2012

I am really bad at creating interesting titles, so this will be called "Happy Friday"

I don't feel like I have much to share today... (that's probably not how you are supposed to start a blog, most people wont read past that line) 

I am trying to plan a fun/inexpensive surprise date for Kyle tonight. I realized it shouldn't only be him who has to plan our date nights and make them perfect. 

I cannot decide what to do. Should we do simple dinner and a movie or something crazy? It will probably end up somewhere in the middle... If anyone reading this has a good idea, please please share, you may be saving my date night! 

On another note, the bread turned out really well. As always I want to perfect it a bit, but I will post the recipe in the near future and you can try it for yourself! Like I said, this was my first attempt at making whole wheat bread, so I don't REALLY know if this is a simple recipe, but compared to some of the one's I've seen, well it's not as intimidating. 

I have updated working out, marriage and the tall diaries!

Happy Friday!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Have a camp out in your house! Pretend tbe power is.out after you make dinner of course :). Then have candle light dinner on the floor In front of the fire and relax then you can watch a movie when.the power comes back on :)
