Saturday, April 21, 2012

Skyping With Abigail/ Vanessa's Birthday

This morning I skyped with my little sister.

I got to listen to her play the recorder.

She got to watch me bake a coffee cake.

We got ready for our day together. We did our hair, brushed our teeth, picked out our clothes ( she thought it was pretty cool that we both use deodorant now).... all the while laughing and being silly.

Abigail is 16 years younger than me, and so as you can probably guess there are times when she feels a bit like an only child. 

I LOVE these moments when I can become 9 years old again and play with her.

She also showed me all the decorations and food for Vanessa's (my niece) 2nd birthday! 2 years ago today I was in Glendale waiting for her early arrival. Looking at her today you would never have guessed that she was a premature. She is one strong little girl. I wouldn't be surprised if she could do a pull up.

Vanessa is very feminine.She is gentle and sweet. She loves being Elijah's little sister, but loves being Amelia's big sister. She likes to have things explained in great detail to her. I think that's a combination of the influence of her mom and nanna. They both explain things step by step to her. I noticed when I was home for Christmas that if Vanessa was a little fussy all I had to do was gently tell her everything that was going on. She would immediately relax.

I love you Vanessa and wish you the happiest of second birthdays!

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