Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Prep

This year I am making Thanksgiving dinner completely by myself. Deep breath, Deep breath. When I first accepted to host Thanksgiving I didn't think much of it. However, now that Thanksgiving is a week away, well, I'm stressing a bit. 

I keep pretending to be my grandma and think of exactly how she cooks. I've watched her and helped her cook my whole life, but somehow knowing that she'll be in Idaho and not physically able to help me when I inevitably ruin dinner stresses me out. 

It's really the turkey that worries me most, so I decided to turn to a lady who SURELY knows what she is talking about and has NEVER steered me wrong. Pioneer Woman. Her Thanksgiving turkeys look like this, so she must know what she's doing. 

Easy! Right? 

I'll take any and all tips on how to pull this thing off.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I did her turkey last year and it was actually pretty tasty. I would say prepare the brine 2 days before you need to cook the turkey so it has plenty of time to cool and then soak with the turkey. Also, our turkey was done before it reached the temp she suggested so just use your judgment and go by what the suggested cook time is for the weight of the bird. And of course blog about it :)
