Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Learning to say no

It seems that everywhere I look women are pregnant or having babies and telling me that I have NO idea what it means to be busy and that I wont know what busy is until I have a little one running around.

Obviously I have no way to counter act them because I don't have a little one running around. In fact it's a little scary to write this because I may look back on it in the future and think "what a fool you were!" Well, I guess I'm going to be a fool and tell you. I have been busy, and the Lord is humbling me and teaching me to say no and remember my priorities.

I don't have babies, but I do work full time, try to maintain our home, and stay involved in ministry. On top of that it seems that every weekend fills up.

I realized that things are falling a little through the cracks. I just don't feel on top of things. I was getting up at 5 every morning and how I'm up at 6:30. I was having a breakfast ready for Kyle so that his getting up at 4 or 4:30 wouldn't be quite so tiring. I was on top of laundry, and cleaning and the list goes on.

There are a lot of things I WAS doing.

Then all of those little "yes's" to "good" things took over.

The weekend trip to see people, or to serve at this one event, or to do whatever, took over my life.

The Lord really humbled me to show me that it wasn't so much the business of life that took over, as much as my lack of discipline in keeping the main things the main things. Isn't that how it always is? Even for you moms out there? Does our lack of time at the end of the day really come from making other things besides our role our priorities? Or in being discontent and so you pursue things that aren't what the Lord has called us to pursue FIRST?

I am learning my limitations. ( 10 pm is a limitation for me. If I'm awake at 10, I am not going to be very productive the next morning) That makes me feel a little old. But it's true. Kyle has been Oh so Patient with me as I learn to be a better wife.

So here is my plea to you. Pray for me after you finish reading this. Pray that the Lord would continue to convict my sin and give me the strength and desire to grow!

I've stocked our fridge; we're good for meals for the month and laundry is underway. I have un-packed from our trip and tonight Kyle and I are back at it with the projects.

I know my will-power will give out unless I realize that I am serving the Lord by staying within my role and needing to gain my strength from Him. 

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