Thursday, September 15, 2011

the Job

Two days ago I received a call from a lady telling me that she had my old number, but had been trying to get in touch with me for a part-time job at a local charter school and thought I should come in on Friday. I thought that was for the interview... turns out it was for orientation. I got the job with no interview. Thank you to friends who spoke well of me!

My heart started thumping. I (and many of my family and friends) had been praying that I would get a job for the last two months. Well without even an interview I was given a job. It is EXACTLY  what Kyle and I were hoping that I would get. 

When I was telling my mom about the job we both got to take a moment and pause, to reflect why now? why this job? what has the Lord been teaching Kyle and I through this? It is often at the end of something that you see what the Lord was doing, you don't always know whats going on in the middle of it. So here are a few things we learned...

  That you must be faithful with little to be faithful with much

That giving to the church is a priority

To be content in any station in life
That my job is not to provide, it's to be a wife

That we can trust the Lord in ALL, including timing and money

That every single need has been met (if He cares for the sparrow, how much more will He care for us, His children)

And now I think that the Lord is going to teach me about submission..... my husband just texted me and says he wants a cat. 

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