Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I'm back... and I'm Pregnant!

I haven't blogged in awhile, mostly because we have been busy! But who isn't busy in the summer? I also stayed away because I knew I would want to get on here and just write down all my feelings about being pregnant.

Well, now that the news is out I can write whatever I want! I don't have a ton to write about pregnancy. I have morning sickness. Except it lasts all day, then at night, right around the time I need to be heading to bed I suddenly feel great! Oh well, small price to pay for having a baby! We are SO excited! We have a couple of boy names, but I pretty much hate every girl name in the world right now. There isn't a girl name that sounds good.

That's kind of how I feel about food too. I don't crave things, I just don't want anything. I guess this is a pregnancy of having aversions to everything!

Ok, I guess I have more to say than I thought. I am also being very humbled. I am sure that all you moms out there are nodding your head and thinking "Oh this is just the beginning of being humbled" and I am sure that it is. I just realize daily that I have no control over keeping this baby alive, or of even being able to create life for that matter. I can't provide for this baby. I can work, but the Lord will provide the job and money.

I am open to the idea that every per-conceived notion that I have about being a parent might change. But there is one notion that I pray stays the same after the baby is born. I want to be a Hannah. I want to hold my child with an open hand, that the Lord will do with he/she whatever He wills, without me trying to hold on too tight.

Well that's all for now! Pray for baby Thompson!

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