Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gosnell Trial

(This post may not be one for my sweet little sister and young cousins to read)

Today I spoke with quite a few pro-life women that didn't know a thing about the Kermit Gosnell "House of Horrors" trial. I have read how much the media is trying to "hush it up", but today it struck me that a lot of people really don't know whats going on.

I know my blog isn't the most read out there, but I want to take the opportunity to let you know what is going on and plead for your prayers!

Kermit Gosnell was on trial for 6 first degree murders and 1 third degree murder. He runs an abortion clinic in Philadelphia.

Yesterday the judge announced that he would drop the charges of three of the murder charges. He made this announcement after seeing a picture of Baby Boy B (never given a name)

 "Baby Boy B was only alive for 28 weeks. He was one of 47 babies found frozen in water jugs in Kermit Gosnell's "House of Horrors." His neck had been cut open, and his spinal cord was "snipped" with a pair of scissors. I’m sorry to be so graphic. But this is the reality." (from Susan B. Anthony foundation)

This trial has clear implications of the state of our nation. A judge was able to see the picture of the snipped neck (I didn't attach it because it was too graphic) and say that that baby was not murdered.

As of this morning there have been over 56 million abortions in America after Roe v. Wade. There have been 1,500 in America today, and over 6 million by planned parenthood since Roe v. Wade.

Tomorrow President Obama will help with a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood.

Here is a portion of an article written by today about the fundraiser:

“Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortions in the United States of America. The President of the United States is volunteering to be their number one fundraiser,” he says. “What Kermit Gosnell in his house of horrors in Philadelphia is no different than what is done in every abortion in a Planned Parenthood facility. The only difference is that the evil is hidden from view.”

“Horribly, the same sonogram technology now used for baby’s first pictures, which we share with one another and show on television commercials, is often used to guide the instruments of execution or the injection of the chemical weapons in Planned Parenthood facilities. These are the very facilities which the President of the United States will raise money for on Thursday evening,” Fournier continued.

Pray for those who are involved in this case, and for all the women considering abortion!

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