Monday, December 17, 2012


I have found myself in constant prayer for the families affected by the horrible tragedy in Connecticut this weekend. My thoughts range from anger at the evil of it, to heartbroken for the families. 

Today at school I have had to answer questions from students and hug parents. I had to attend a safety meeting where I was asked my input on how to make our school safer; and realized that if anyone broke into our school, I would be the students first line of defense. I spoke with police officers about the safety of our school, and am now in charge of running safety drills.

With all of this going on I am able to still stop and have total peace that the Lord is in control. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so how will we live today. 

I was so saddened for the people I talked to because the real safety that they need only comes through Salvation in Jesus Christ.

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