Saturday, November 1, 2014

That's My Dad

I just found a draft I had forgotten about, it said: "Dave has the fortitude to take the Stoning of Stephen with joy. He has a strength I am so thankful for and love."

My mom said that about my dad the other day. We were talking on the phone and she was really talking about something else entirely, She was comparing and contrasting and said, "The Lord knew what I needed in a husband, He knew I needed Dave's strength. You know, Dave has the fortitude to take the Stoning of Stephen with joy." She proceeded with the conversation, perhaps not understanding the weight of what she said. It is just a simple truth to her. That, is who my dad is, that is who she married and it needed no explanation so she moved on to make her point.

It struck me so deeply that while we were still on the phone I typed this in a draft so I could save it.

All of you marrieds out there realize that a compliment like this, coming from a wife is a great compliment indeed. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses like a spouse. No one knows your sin better, because it is usually the spouse that is most affected by it.

So, when my mom says that my dad has the fortitude to take the Stoning of Stephen with joy, that carries weight with me.

My heart overflows when I think about this. I feel like shouting "That's MY Dad!"

That guy! The one who would give his life freely to the cause of Christ, and would count it all joy! That's my Dad! The one who doesn't fear death, because death is just the door to where His Father is. That's my Dad! The one who wants more than anything else on this earth to please His Father in Heaven. That, is my dad.

He's my example.

I've been told by many people that "Those Woods girls sure love their Dad."

Yes, I sure do! I couldn't be more proud to be his daughter.

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