Monday, July 23, 2012

Couples Retreat

Couples Retreat was a blast! It was nice to get away for a couples of nights and be in the mountains with friends. 

It was nice to have nothing to do except to enjoy Kyle and the other people on the trip. 

I greatly loved listening to the couples talk, ask questions, encourage one another, and of course laugh.
One of our new leaders shared with us.. I can't put the whole sermon on here, but let me tell you, it was good!
When I got home I read Glenda Hotton's new blog post. I am so blessed by this woman! Although I can't sit down to tea with her on Tuesday morning like I used to, or sneak into her office for a quick chat (which always turned into her gently and lovingly exhorting me) I can still read her "musings". Click HERE to see her newest post and website. 
Enjoy your husbands today!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Imagination

Over the Summer I have been working... mostly alone... at a school.

I have a wonderful imagination, which has turned into my greatest enemy.

When the air conditioning turns on and it rattles the ceiling, I think of a ninja coming in through the roof to attach me.. then my mind wanders to ninjas and I don't come back to reality for awhile.

When random cars park in front of the building that is CLOSED for the summer (except to parents turning in paperwork) and stay for a long time and the driver never gets out of the car, I think of someone in the CIA doing recon work. Why they are doing recon work on me, I don't know, but they are, and they probably want to attack me when I walk to my car. 

When I hear doors creak I know it's because the homeless man who has been sleeping in the back classroom is trying to sneak out without me noticing. I notice.

-I have screamed 3 times for no reason while at work this summer because my imagination has gotten the better of me
-When a mom startled me by walking around the corner when I wasn't expecting it I put my hands up, because of course she had a gun and was going to hold up the school for..... textbooks?
-I am starting to question any dream I've ever had of being a brave person
- I walk on tip-toe through the halls, because even though I'm 6'6'' I'm not noticeable if I'm tip-toeing 

Well I really need to work now.. If you don't hear from me you know it will be because I died of an over-active imagination.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3rd times a charm

This morning I locked myself out of my apartment for the 3rd time since we've lived in Temecula. 

I was pretty frantic. I had over slept my alarm, I was almost late for work, and I barely had time to brush my teeth.

As I was running to my car I realized I didn't have my keys.....

I called the "after-office hours" number and waited for George to come and rescue me. 

In the mean time I did my hair and make-up in the reflection of the club house windows. 

George came!

I told him not to worry, we were moving and he wouldn't have to let me into my apartment ever again.... he wasn't convinced. There are still plenty more days in a month. 

As I drove to work I decided to call Kyle and tell him what happened. This was his response:

"Third times a charm babe, what were you wearing this time?"

I may have once locked myself out with ONLY a small robe on. I had to sneak through the backdoor of the club house and hide until they were done with an appointment, then say "psst" until someone came and found me. Then we sneaked back to the apartment and I was safe.

Kyle told me that he wouldn't be all that surprised if he had to get me from jail one day, for being inappropriately clothed in public. 

NOT much of a ringing endorsement, but Kyle did say he doesn't think I would ever do something like that intentionally .... that kinda helps I guess.

Monday, July 16, 2012

life these days

I think that Kyle and I have been doing something every night for the past 2 weeks. 

It's been a blast. For the most part we are with people from church, especially fellow high school staffers. 

We recently had a staff meeting where our pastor came and shared with us some wisdom on how to best serve our students, what our goals should be, and his prayer for us. 

Here are a couple of questions and answers we discussed:

When working with students consider the 3 W's:
-Want to

Romans 6:17 "But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed."

Additional Wisdom:
-Be gracious
-Protect Families & Students with your speech
- Depend on the Lord!
-Be Genuine
-Communicate with parents
-Be above reproach 
-Keep your commitments

Pray Pray Pray!

*We are looking for students to glorify God and be gospel focused, not for moral conformity!

It is such a blessing to have a pastor that encourages our ministry and gives us wisdom and prayer!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sewing Machine

I was talking to a friend of mine and told her how much I want a sewing machine...

She looked at me and said: "do you want mine"


It's on lone, but she doesn't sew, so I don't have a deadline to give it back by.. which means.... I get to sew sew sew to my hearts content!

I've already started pinning some things I want to try