Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Imagination

Over the Summer I have been working... mostly alone... at a school.

I have a wonderful imagination, which has turned into my greatest enemy.

When the air conditioning turns on and it rattles the ceiling, I think of a ninja coming in through the roof to attach me.. then my mind wanders to ninjas and I don't come back to reality for awhile.

When random cars park in front of the building that is CLOSED for the summer (except to parents turning in paperwork) and stay for a long time and the driver never gets out of the car, I think of someone in the CIA doing recon work. Why they are doing recon work on me, I don't know, but they are, and they probably want to attack me when I walk to my car. 

When I hear doors creak I know it's because the homeless man who has been sleeping in the back classroom is trying to sneak out without me noticing. I notice.

-I have screamed 3 times for no reason while at work this summer because my imagination has gotten the better of me
-When a mom startled me by walking around the corner when I wasn't expecting it I put my hands up, because of course she had a gun and was going to hold up the school for..... textbooks?
-I am starting to question any dream I've ever had of being a brave person
- I walk on tip-toe through the halls, because even though I'm 6'6'' I'm not noticeable if I'm tip-toeing 

Well I really need to work now.. If you don't hear from me you know it will be because I died of an over-active imagination.

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