Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I have been looking and looking for a place for Kyle and I to move to once the baby comes. We love where we live, but it's teeny tiny and without another bedroom we just don't know how we would make it work.

The location of where we live is great for Kyle's work and for fellowship with the church, and for walks and getting outside with our little one, and the price is right... but it seemed that no matter what we were going to need to move. (although I had dreams about asking my landlord if we could turn the garage into a room.)

Last night our landlord was outside with her children decorating for halloween. She saw me and asked if there was something I wanted to talk to her about. (I had called her earlier that week) I took a deep breath,  and said, "Well, I have been trying to figure out what we are going to do about space once the baby comes." I was ready to ask about the garage when she said, "Don't stress, it's not good for the baby, besides our husbands work and stress enough, we need to be relaxing to come home to. You just figure out what you want and our husbands will turn the garage into a room."

She went on about how we just got settled and that we need to save money so that we can buy a house some day, and then she said that her husband James needs to work with his hands more, like Kyle, and that we can store all of Kyle's tools in their shed and any other space that we need they will give us for storage.

I walked inside and immediately thanked the Lord for His provision. He went so far above and beyond what I could have asked for. I tell myself all the time, "The Lord loves your family more than you do, He will provide." Then I recite Matthew 6:26 to myself. Sadly, I am often trying to convince myself of these truths instead of resting in them.

Spurgeon has a quote, that I pray one day reflects my life. "Earth has no words that can convey the holy calm of a soul learning on Jesus."

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