Thursday, July 11, 2013

thoughts on pregnancy so far...

Whoever called it "morning sickness" was a big fat liar! Unless of course by "morning" they meant all day long.

I find that I'm pretty much adverse to everything. I don't like food, or entertainment, or any baby girl names... Seriously I don't know what we'll name our kid if it's a girl. I might just name it one of our boy names.

I found myself a little tired of baby talk the other day and just wanted to change the subject. Then I became very worried that I am going to be the worst mom EVER. What expecting mom doesn't want to talk about babies all day? y'all better be praying for baby Thompson.

I pretty much want to curl up on the Tracy's couch every day, or be in their pool. Their house is more comforting to me than ever. 

Sometimes I wonder if Kyle and I should be missionaries. Then I think about the places I could see raising my kids and wonder if they need missionaries in places like England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, or New Zealand... Then I think if those are the only places I would be willing to go then maybe I shouldn't be thinking about it in the first place... Then I remember Kyle doesn't want to be a missionary and I realize my 5 minute thought process was a waste of time. 

A lot of mom's worry about the "worst case scenario" once they get pregnant. That hasn't started for me yet. I haven't worried about too much... except for the fact that I feel like a lame mom for not worrying about my kids possible horrifying future because I didn't think through the worst case scenario when I had a chance.

I am realizing I will truly be stared at more than I have ever been stared at in my life... which is hard to imagine. "Look mom, that giant is having a giant baby!" 

People already touch my stomach.... um, I'm not showing yet. Give me another week or two, because this is just a little awkward right now.

People frequently look at Kyle and I  and then say "I can't wait to see what this baby looks like." Uhhhhhhh.............. thanks?

And here is one though that is totally non-pregnancy related...

 I am having the hardest time finding a book, or series that I loved as much as Harry Potter. I've now been disappointed by books for years. However, I am very thankful for Al Mohler's recommended reading list for the summer. I have been able to read my way through the Summer hours because of it.


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