Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3rd times a charm

This morning I locked myself out of my apartment for the 3rd time since we've lived in Temecula. 

I was pretty frantic. I had over slept my alarm, I was almost late for work, and I barely had time to brush my teeth.

As I was running to my car I realized I didn't have my keys.....

I called the "after-office hours" number and waited for George to come and rescue me. 

In the mean time I did my hair and make-up in the reflection of the club house windows. 

George came!

I told him not to worry, we were moving and he wouldn't have to let me into my apartment ever again.... he wasn't convinced. There are still plenty more days in a month. 

As I drove to work I decided to call Kyle and tell him what happened. This was his response:

"Third times a charm babe, what were you wearing this time?"

I may have once locked myself out with ONLY a small robe on. I had to sneak through the backdoor of the club house and hide until they were done with an appointment, then say "psst" until someone came and found me. Then we sneaked back to the apartment and I was safe.

Kyle told me that he wouldn't be all that surprised if he had to get me from jail one day, for being inappropriately clothed in public. 

NOT much of a ringing endorsement, but Kyle did say he doesn't think I would ever do something like that intentionally .... that kinda helps I guess.

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